This website is my way to share my photos with everyone. Please feel free to post your comments about the photos or blog below. Your feedback is essential to improving the website and I look forward to your responses. 

I would also like to mention that I will be participating in the 2024 Santa Cruz County Open Studios Art Tour the first and third weekends of October from 11:00 to 5:00 (10-5, 10-6, 10-19 and 10-20). I hope that you will visit me at 202 Frederick Street, Santa Cruz. Open Studios is a wonderful opportunity to check out the creative artworks produced here by local artists. Selected preview pieces from the artists will be displayed at the Art League located at 526 Broadway, Santa Cruz starting Friday, September 27th. There will be a public reception on Sunday September 29th from 3:00 to 6:00 and a First Friday event on Friday October 4th between 5:00 and 9:00. More information can be found at the Art’s Council, Santa Cruz County website: Your Guide to Open Studios – Visit Santa Cruz County. or at the Santa Cruz Art League: Upcoming Exhibitions – Santa Cruz Art League (

In future blogs, I plan on using this space to provide in depth background and stories of selected photographs. If there are any particular photos that you’d like me to feature here, please let me know. One further note; while I will share general location information for my photos, I will not give out specific details, unless the location is widely known. The reasons for this our twofold; I’ve seen too many locations destroyed because they have been publicized on the internet. Also, for me, part of the excitement and adventure of landscape photography is exploring and discovering new locations and I don’t want to ruin this feeling for others. We are lucky to live in such a beautiful land and I hope that my photos will encourage you to explore, discover and conserve these wonderful areas.

I hope to see you in October,

Robert Mahrer